Saturday, May 23, 2009

School's Out Forever

As of Thursday, May 21, 2009 approximately 11:30 AM... I am officially a college graduate....

It's hard to know what to feel now... that's four of the best years of my life that have passed by... Rutgers was more than just a degree granting institution... it was my home, one of the few places where I truly felt like I belonged... where I thrived... where I learned that I could be more than what I thought...

Yeah, I didn't win every battle... but for all it was worth, I think I came out alright...

And now this chapter of my life, whether or not I like it, is done and I don't know what to feel...  I want to feel sad, but it wasn't meant to last forever, and I came in knowing that...  and I've accomplished so much and left on such a good note, it's hard to be sad for long...

I want to feel happy, but I keep looking back and wondering at all the woulda, coulda, and shoulda's... and prematurely missing everyone who I'm leaving behind....

Don't know what to feel...  for now.  I know in time I will grow content.  I will take away everything positive from these past four years and the negative will fade away in the distance as I wish to remember only fond things of Dear old Rutgers and Miss Douglass...

I've had the best four years that anyone could have asked for, and for that, I am grateful... and I will miss them...

I shall not dwell on my loss for too long...  I plan on making the next four years of my life even more incredible.

Watch out world!!! She is unleashed....


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Blogging Anglophile

Observations of myself and the world around me...

Went from London Bound to London Found... Just living and wondering what the next step will be....