Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Let There Be

 Light is supposed to be a good thing, but
it illuminates my flaws and makes me all
 too aware of my mortality as I hold my
hand before my face and it glows, blood
 red, veinous, pulsating with each rapid surge of my beating heart
Behind the light I hear voices, just
 beyond, whispering a tune that just escapes
my hearing, jeering me with almost remembered
 lost memories hanging on the edges of my

If I reach far enough, I might just catch them,
 but I'm haunted by an unsaid certainty that reminds
me certainly they were forgotten for a reason
 But there is no rhyme or reason, up or down
My thoughts are solid and my body a
 little less so, flowing like a finely
aged Brandy poured into an old bachelor's tumbler

 And I wonder
And I realized it's all in my head
 Another dream

And as I awake to another light peaking from the east,
 I still wonder, throwing back my curtains to bathe
myself in the warmth and purity of light

~ LondonFoundGirl

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Blogging Anglophile

Observations of myself and the world around me...

Went from London Bound to London Found... Just living and wondering what the next step will be....