Friday, December 11, 2009

Vanity, haha

I just felt pretty today... so I felt like sharing, lol...  Usually I'm humble, lol...

 Dark and Lovely :-)
Love thyself all you want... because no body else has too...

My Equally Sexy Friends (didn't have enough pictures to make a facebook album, haha) they make me smile :-) :

The next issue of Oxford GQ: the Corbster, lol (pic gets cut off in the blog, so click on it!)

The FaBuLoUs  Mrs. Pam ela ela P3Z, And her equally FaBuLoUs sister, Sarah <3

1 comment:

no said...

Nothing wrong with a vanity post from time to time! Or maybe I'm just saying that because I had one yesterday. It's not vanity, it's just reality!

Blogging Anglophile

Observations of myself and the world around me...

Went from London Bound to London Found... Just living and wondering what the next step will be....