Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dealing with Obsession

So, I'm a bit obsessed with this boy... it's become a problem... I talk about him all the time, I even DREAM about him.

The fact that we're friends just makes it worse... I refer to him as my husband to everyone and confess my intense and undying love for him every opprotunity that I get... It's become a problem and everyone who knows me know this.  It's bad when I'm sober... It's a hundred times worse when I'm drunk.

So I need to deal with this obsession and I thought of taking a pledge.  I've composed and sent the following message to all my friends... my obsessive crush is referred to as SB:

"First and foremost, if this gets to SB, I will hunt you down and kill you all...

I, Ima G, being of sound mind (kinda) and body, do solemnly swear to not mention SB is a sexual, romantic, or obsessive way... I will no longer send sexually explicit, anonymous gifts or honesty box messages on facebook and deny that I ever sent them...

I will not say "I'd hit that", "I'd wax that", or refer to SB (or any other gentleman for that matter) as my husband, soul mate, lover, baby's daddy, or back breaker... ever again...

If the undersigned does not honor this pledge, permission is granted to "bitch slap" some sense into her.

This contract is legally binding until May 21, 2009... Graduation Day... hopefully, with your support and Prayers, I will beat this obsession...

Ima G"

Unfortunately, I have not exaggerated any of my actions... I reiterate that it HAS BECOME A SERIOUS PROBLEM... I can't function without thinking of him, mentioning him and obsessing over him.  It's quite middle school of me... I'm 21 years old, dammit!!

It sounds like a joke (in fact I cracked myself up by reading it out loud... I've come to realize how insane I am)... but I WILL DO IT!!!  If I don't speak about him, then that means I'm not thinking about him because I always say what I think.

Pray for me!!!

Your friendly neighborhood
LondonBoundGirl :-)

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Blogging Anglophile

Observations of myself and the world around me...

Went from London Bound to London Found... Just living and wondering what the next step will be....